
Piloting event - Italy (23 & 24 of May 2023):


On May 23rd  and 24th, we met online some teachers of the agronomic institute IIS Pareto and one teacher of the agronomic institute “Italo Calvino” of Milan, and show them the Take Off project, focusing in particular on Activity 3 “Replicability e-package (Guidebook) for education & training activities related to EFF” and the e-learning course.

The teachers showed their interest and suggested some improvements for the educational materials.

We’re looking forward to send them the definitive version of the Take Off project and collaborate with them in the future.

Piloting event - Cyprus (24 February & 13 of March 2023):


On February 24th and March 13th, the educational materials of the project (Activity 1 & 2) were piloted to students from the Department of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Food Science, of the Cyprus University of Technology, and students of Environmental Sciences, of the KES College respectively. Discussion about the content and activities took place, to improve the material for Activities. The students consider the material of the project as appropriate for training farmers, in topics such as Zero emissions agriculture and biodiversity management.

Multiplier event - Italy (14 April 2023):


The multiplier event of the project TAKEOFF (ERASMUS+) in Italy was organized on Friday 14th of April, from 9 to 12.45 a.m., at the  Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca - Piazza della Scienza 1-/Edificio U1 - Aula Marchetti.

The event was introduced by a speech called “challenges of modern agriculture”, given by Prof. Antonio Finizio, professor in Ecology at the Unimib.

The event wad attended by 35 people, including teachers and students of agriculture high schools, university researchers and farmers.  

TakeOFF_evento moltiplicatore_14 aprile 2023_INVITO.pptx.pdf

Multiplier event - Cyprus (4 April 2023): 

The national multiplier event of the TAKEOFF project (ERASMUS+) in Cyprus was organized with great success on April 4, 2023 (17:00 – 21:00), at the Amphitheater G, KES COLLEGE, Kallipoleos and Grevenon in Nicosia. The TAKEOFF project (ERASMUS+) aims to strengthen the professional education and training of farmers, in relation to the Environment and Biodiversity. The project is being coordinated by the Open University of Cyprus (TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT LAB).

The event was attended by dozens of people including representatives from government departments, academic institutions, agricultural organizations as well as farmers.
